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Study abroad students may apply for University of Scranton Funded Scholarships
John and Jacquelyn Dionne Business Leadership Initiative (Worldwide)
  • Eligibility criteria:
    • Open only to Kania School of Management (KSOM) undergraduate students studying abroad.
    • KSOM students may apply for only one study abroad experience. 
    • Presidential scholars within KSOM may apply for this award. 
  • Amount awarded:
    • Up to $5,000 for a study abroad semester. 
    • Up to $1,500 for summer or intersession study abroad programs of 2 to 4 weeks. Greater amounts may be available for summer programs which are more than 4 weeks in length.  
    • Awards will be determined by the Kania School Advisory Board.
  • To apply, please see DIONNE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT APPLICATION_vJan2024.docx
  • Refer to deadline dates on the application above. 
  • For more information, please contact Mrs. Debra Parry in the KSOM Dean's Office. Email
Provost's International Study Grant (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America)
  • Eligibility criteria: A student must demonstrate a commitment to language study, service to others, social justice, and international development. The scholarship is typically awarded to students studying in less popular study abroad locations, including Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America.  Presidential Scholars are not eligible to apply for this award. 
  • Amount awarded: varies - up to $1000 
  • Application deadlines: 
    • Summer/Fall Semester programs: March 15th
    • Intersession/Spring Semester programs: October 31st
  • To apply, please see: Provost Grant
The Denise Dubbels Memorial Scholarship (developing countries)
  • Created by students and faculty members in memory of Denise, an Honors Program student and member of the Special Jesuit Liberal Arts program, who died as a result of an automobile accident while studying in Russia. Her degree was conferred posthumously in 1994.
  • Eligibility criteria: must be planning to study abroad in developing country
  • Amount awarded: varies up to $5,000 for a semester abroad
  • Application deadlines:
    • Fall Semester programs: April 1st
    • Spring Semester programs: October 7th
  • To apply, please see: Dubbels Memorial Scholarship

John Corcoran Scholarship (Ireland) 
  • Sponsored by the Lackawanna County Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
  • Eligibility criteria: Student must be from Northeastern Pennsylvania and participating in a study abroad program in Ireland
  • Amount awarded: $5,000
  • Only awarded for Fall study in even-numbered academic years. e.g Fall 22, Fall 24, Fall 26 
  • For more information, please see:

Externally Funded Scholarships

Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (East and Southeast Asia)
  • Eligibility criteria: student must be participating in study abroad in one of the following countries/regions: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam 
  • Amount awarded: up to $3,000 for summer programs, up to $5,000 for semester programs
  • Application deadline: March 30
  • For more information, please see: Freeman Grant
Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship (most countries)
  • Eligibility criteria: must be U.S. citizen, undergraduate student receiving federal Pell Grant funding. Cannot be studying abroad in a country currently under a U.S. Dept. of State Travel Warning or in Cuba
  • Amount awarded:  varies from $100 to $2500 for a semester abroad
  • Application deadline: October 5th, March 1st (two application cycles)
  • For more information, please see: Gilman Scholarship. 
Gilman-McCain Scholarship (most countries) Bridging Scholarships for Study in Japan (Japan)
  • Eligibility criteria: American undergraduate student participating in semester- or year-long study abroad program in Japan (summer/intersession programs not eligible)
  • Amount awarded: $2,500 for semester, $4,000 for full academic year
  • Application deadline: October 16th
  • For more information, please see:
The David Boren Scholarship (Africa, Asia, Central/Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, Middle East)
  • Eligibility criteria: students must be planning to study in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad (Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded from funding). Students should have an interest in national security and the challenges of global society, including sustainable development, environmental degradation, global disease and hunger, population growth and migration, and economic competition. Student should be interested in studying less commonly taught languages, including but not limited to Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili. 
  • Amount awarded: up to $20,000
  • Application deadline: February 2nd
  • For more information, please see: Note that applications for the Boren Scholarship are facilitated by Dr. Mary Engel.
Deutscher Akademischer Austauch Dienst (DAAD) (Germany)
  • Eligibility criteria: student must be planning to study abroad or participate in research or internships in Germany. Preference will be given to students whose projects or programs are based at and organized by a German university.
  • Various scholarships are available; amount awarded and application deadlines vary
  • For more information, please see:
Education in Ireland (Ireland) Fund for Education Abroad (various countries)
  • The mission of the Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) is to provide scholarships and ongoing support to students who are underrepresented among the U.S. study abroad population.
  • Various scholarships are available; amount awarded and application deadlines vary
  • For more information, please see:
Project GO (various countries)
  • Eligibility criteria: student must be on track to commission through the Army, Naval, or Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), contracted or non-contracted, at a regionally accredited college or university in the United States.
  • Amount awarded: full funding, including tuition, room and board, textbooks, meals, visas, class fees, insurance, and travel expenses to and from the study destination
  • Application deadline: January 12
  • For more information, please see:

Searchable Scholarship Databases

Scholarships for CIEE Programs
For more information including application deadlines, please see: 

Global Access Initiative (GAIN) Grants
  • Eligibility criteria: guaranteed for all Pell-eligible students, available to a wider range of students on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Amount awarded: up to $2,000
Gilman Go Global Grants 
  • Eligibility criteria: guaranteed to all qualified Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship applicants regardless of whether they are awarded a Gilman 
  • Amount awarded: $2,500 for semester programs, $1,000 for summer programs. Recipients are guaranteed an additional GAIN Grant (see above)
CIEE Merit Scholarships 
  • Amount awarded: $2,500 for semester programs, $500 for summer programs